“An outstanding level of care is supported by caring and knowledgeable members of staff and underpinned by strong management leadership. Good outcomes for young people are promoted to a high standard. Care arrangements are extremely well structured with exceptional management oversight of all aspects of the service.”
“Young people are very positive about the quality of care that they receive and are able to identify the progress they have made while living at the home. There is a relaxed atmosphere within the home with young people befitting form positive relationships and mutual respect shown between staff and young people.”
“The outcomes for young people are outstanding. Young people are involved in placement planning and understand what is expected in relation to rules and boundaries.”
“This is an extremely well managed home which meets the aims and objectives of the Statement of Purpose. Young people’s needs are met to a high standard by experienced and well-trained staff.”
“Young people are cared for in a safe and well maintained environment. The organisation understands issues of health and safety and has implemented a range of monitoring checks and risk management strategies which support safeguarding arrangements”