“This home provides high level individualised care for young people and a friendly and homely environment. Dynamic practice prepares the way for young people to make significant progress taking in to account their starting point.”
“The consistent and dedicated approach from staff and the management team ensure young people make successful transitions into adulthood. Young people’s needs and views are central to all aspects of how the home operates and develops practice. Young people are happy and relaxed in this home and overall practice is of a very high standard.”
“Staff know and understand the young people well and are sensitive to the individual needs, one young person stated “If you’re upset and want a hug staff are always there for you”. Staff have high aspirations for the young people in their care and they encourage and empower young people through link worker sessions, advice and support”
“Staff work very closely with other professionals involved in young people’s lives such as social workers and teachers. All professionals contacted as part of the inspection confirms that partnership working was strength of our services and that all parties are consulted listened to which helps develop the care young people receive. A teacher commented that “Planning and detail have led to success.”
Local Authority:
“Once social worker commented that they have a high level contact from staff which has been practically beneficial in ensuring that young people are fully supported. Young people make exceptional progress in this home which enables them to make a successful transition into adulthood and independent living.”
“Young people said that they feel safe living at this home. Staff have a good understanding of how to keep young people safe and what makes them feel safe.”
“Another social worker commented positively on the work young people are involved with in this area and the help staff offer young people in understanding how to keep themselves safe.”